Will There Be An Adolescence Season 2?

03/22/2025 12:19 PM
Asking for another season of Adolescence is, in some way, asking for another fictional murder to happen (just for it to be solved by the end, don't worry.) Despite not being based on a specific event and rather inspired by several news stories in the UK, Adolescence is, right now, just a mini-series similar to Baby Reindeer. However, its focus on a recurring epidemic in youth culture does give the show an opportunity for another go. "One of our aims was to ask, 'What is happening to our young men these days, and what are the pressures they face from their peers, from the internet, and from social media?' " Series co-creator and star Stephen Graham explained to Netflix on the core thesis of the series. "And the pressures that come from all of those things are as difficult for kids here as they are the world over."
While Netflix originally green-lit Adolescence as a mini series, it's not out of the question to give it an upgrade to a multi-season show. The streamer did that for Beef once it saw the high reception and praise for the show; it's even a possibility for shows outside the Netflix sphere as well, Max also upgraded The White Lotus to the luxury suite on their roster. Hopefully, Graham has a few pitches in mind for other epidemics to explore, maybe looking at Katie's family's perspective as one idea.