Which "Snow White" Character You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
03/21/2025 10:00 AM
Astrologer Lisa Stardust reveals which character from the Disney princess classic you're most like by zodiac sign
Courtesy Everett
Snow White characters by zodiac signNot many films have as much staying power asSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Since its release on Dec. 21, 1937, the film has resonated with children, teens and adults for nearly a century.
At the time, the karmic planet Saturn was in Pisces, revolutionary Uranus was in Taurus and dreamy Neptune was in Virgo.
Saturn and Uranus are currently making their planetary returns (the third Saturn return as it occurs approximately every 27 to 30 years, and the first for Uranus since it orbits the Sun every 84 years). Meanwhile, Neptune is in Pisces, forming an opposition to the film's natal Neptune in Virgo. Putting it all together means that the 2025 version of Snow White retells an old vision that has warmed our hearts for decades.
The birth chart of the film's star Rachel Zegler is also notable as she's currently experiencing her Jupiter return in Gemini — which happens every 12 years — expanding her fan appeal and stardom to new audiences.
In honor of the film's release on March 21, read on to find out which character from the original movie relates to your zodiac sign.
Related: Which Disney Princess You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: The Evil Queen
The Evil QueenThe Evil Queen is competitive like the rambunctious sign Aries. The fiery nature they both exude pushes their passions and makes them consumed with winning and assuming first place. Being the best is essential, so the Evil Queen yearns to be "the fairest of all." Upon learning she is not, the Evil Queen then acts out to reclaim her position, doing what any Aries would do for acclaim.
Taurus: Sleepy
SleepyVenusian Taurus prioritizes self-care, making them want to take naps daily to decompress. As you know, Sleepy idealizes his time resting, so his descriptive name resonates with his essence and the Earth sign. His efforts at the diamond mine leave him wanting to relax after a hard day's work.
Gemini: Happy
HappyHappy is a jovial and optimistic character who always looks at the brighter side of situations. Happy never allows pessimism to take control of his demeanor; likewise, the Air signGemini often finds contentment in every endeavor they adhere to, opting for sunnier ways of being. Since Happy and Gemini tend to live in the moments and enjoy humorous merriments, they connect astrologically.
Cancer: Snow White
Snow WhiteAs the nurturer of the cartoon, Snow White maintains a clean dwelling and provides hand-crafted meals for her new friends who take her in, which is all the more reason why she identifies as a Cancer. The sympathetic zodiac sign relishes domesticity, making it parallel to the princess. Plus, Snow White has emotional awareness of those who surround her, like the Water sign, allowing her to befriend everyone she meets.
Related: Which Cinderella Character You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Leo: The Prince
Prince FlorianThe Prince is the knight in shining armor who saves the day by awakening Snow White from her slumber with "Love's First Kiss." Leo's lust for theatrics and saving the day defines the Prince's vibe. His charismatic attitude and amorous manner toward Snow White are comparable to how the lion acts toward those they have feelings for. Plus, they both have hearts of gold underneath the bravado.
Virgo: Sneezy
SneezySince September is one of the worst months for hay fever, it could make Sneezy a Virgo. Sneezy has a fun and pleasant personality reminiscent of the Earth sign. Sneezy also predicts when his nose is about to itch, allowing him to trust his gut feelings — much like Virgos do after hours of reflection. Sneezy isn't ostentatious; he is demure and genuinely in great spirits, similar to Virgo.
Libra: Bashful
BashfulDue to his crush on Snow White, bashful is a romantic at heart. Single Libras are flirts that are easily attracted to people who adore them. Bashful is timid since he cannot find the right ways to state his feelings, so he looks away in embarrassment and blushes (hence his namesake). His coy personality connects Bashful to Libra because they both get shy when receiving attention.
Scorpio: Magic Mirror
Magic MirrorScorpios tend to be somewhat harsh when telling the truth since they do not hold back. The Magic Mirror is direct when it tells the Evil Queen that there is another person fairer than her in the kingdom. It checks her vanity. Known as the mystical force behind the throne, Scorpios holds a lot of authority and influence, similar to the way the Magic Mirror does in this tale.
Sagittarius: The Huntsman
The HuntsmanSince Sagittarius is the defender and protector of the universe, known as the archer, it makes sense that the Huntsman aligns with the Fire sign. Although he has a tough exterior, the Huntsman takes pity on Snow White and frees her. His actions resemble Sagittarius, who fights for causes close to their heart and walks away from the drama they think is unjust, as their mindset focuses on righteousness.
Related: Which Winnie the Pooh Character You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn: Grumpy
GrumpyCapricorns can be perceived as mean, although they are genuinely empathetic. The same could be said for Grumpy, who has an austere exterior; however, he does have a soft spot for Snow White and those he cares about — it takes him time to show it. Capricorns are the same because they don't give people concessions until they get to know them and decide whether or not they genuinely like them.
Aquarius: Doc
DocDoc is the kind and sympathetic leader of the dwarves, who encourages everyone to let Snow White stay with them. At times, he can be a know-it-all, but he's just the worldly of the bunch. Doc encourages his pals to speak up and listen to their concerns, even though he thinks he can assess matters properly. When Doc gets on a soapbox, he resembles Aquarius' humanitarian desire for change.
Pisces: Dopey
DopeyTender to the core, Dopey offers Snow White his pure heart. He is a lovable character who rarely uses words to express his sentiments until the end of the film. Being intuitive and sensitive makes Dopey align with the zodiac sign Pisces. The fact that Dopey rarely vocalizes his innermost emotions further connects him with Piscds since the fish swims away from confrontation.