When my husband was pressuring me to have another baby, you helped me walk away


DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN my husband put me under pressure to have sex, because he wanted another baby, I felt it might be time to walk away from our marriage. 

I'd had a miscarriage, which he said was my fault because I didn't want another child.

I'm 34 and he's 35. We have two young children aged 18 months and three.

I wrote asking whether I should give in and get pregnant or if it was time to divorce?

You said I was right to stick to my guns, at least until our relationship had improved, and told me to communicate this to my husband.

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You sent your support pack, Standing Up For Yourself, to help me get the message across constructively.

And you agreed it was abusive to demand sex and blame me for the miscarriage. You recommended counselling.

In addition, you suggested I see my GP for contraception, so I didn't accidentally get pregnant.

Although our relationship still isn't perfect, we have been working on it and have started having couples counselling. 

We've put plans for another child on hold until we can resolve our differences. 

Thank you Deidre.



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DEIDRE SAYS: I'm glad things have improved. The counselling should help you decide whether you want to continue in the marriage.
