Michelob Ultra Super Bowl Commercial 2024: Leo Messi Plays Soccer on Beach, Jason Sudeikis & Dan Marino Appear!

Lionel “Leo” Messi stars in the new Michelob Ultra commercial, which aired during the 2024 Super Bowl!

The 36-year-old athlete, of course, plays a different kind of football – aka soccer in the US.

Also making appearances in the commercial for the beer were actor Jason Sudeikis and retired quarterback Dan Marino!

Keep reading to watch and find out more…

Leo Messi walks into a bar and a keg taps, leading to the greatest game ever played. Featuring a shout-out from Jason Sudeikis and an assist from Dan ‘The Man’ Marino – grab an ULTRA and pull up a beach chair. It's game time,” Michelob Ultra shared of the commercial.

During the commercial, we see Lionel doing what he does best as he kicks around the soccer ball on the beach while waiting for a cold one to be poured.

Check it out now!

Watch all of the commercials airing during the Super Bowl right here!
