I have no trust in my girlfriend since I found out she cheated


DEAR DEIDRE: IT’S been impossible to trust my girlfriend since I found out she'd cheated.

She lied to my face about it and now I can't believe anything she says. It's turning me into an angry, insecure person, who I don't recognise.

I'm 19 and she's 18. We've been together for a year, since we started university.

When we got together she was chatting to a guy from home. She said it was over – but she carried on messaging him behind my back.

I found out when a text from him popped up on her phone.

Since then, she's done everything to make things right but I can't forget what happened, and we keep rowing.

I really want to trust her again, but don't know how to. 

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DEIDRE SAYS: Finding out someone you care about has lied is hard to get over.

Trust takes time to rebuild. You feel vulnerable but you need to give your girlfriend a chance to prove herself.

Talking about this to someone impartial, like a counsellor, could help

My support packs on Jealousy and Cheating, Can You Get Over It?, will be useful for you both.



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