17 Celebrities Who Denied Plastic Surgery Rumors

"You've broken my heart. You never know what someone is going through ..." said one star over speculation about her appearance.

It's become increasingly common for celebrities to go under the knife to keep up with Hollywood's unattainable standards of beauty.

Many stars change their appearance with cosmetic surgery, leaving fans wondering exactly why their favorite celeb looks so different. But it turns out that not every star succumbs to the pressure to get plastic surgery. In fact, some celebrities have straight up denied any rumors that they've gotten work done -- and are offended that anyone would think so.

While rumors will always be swirling, these celebs say they haven't gone under the knife...

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1. Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez recently shut down plastic surgery rumors in a comment on TikTok. When a creator, who works as a physician's assistant for a plastic surgeon, posted a video about Selena's facial changes, the actress decided to speak out. While the TikToker didn't actually speculate what Selena had done surgically, Selena still set the record straight.

"Honestly I hate this. I was on [steroids] because of flare up. I have Botox. That's it. Leave me alone," Selena commented.

The video's creator later apologized for potentially offending Selena, even though she hadn't directly said anything about cosmetic procedures. Selena replied saying it was all love and that she just got "sad sometimes" because of the speculation.

2. Erin Moriarty

Erin Moriarty was forced to respond to accusations after Megyn Kelly claimed that the actress had an "addiction" to plastic surgery. She took to Instagram to shut down Megyn's comments, calling them "disgustingly false" and "counterproductive" -- and pointed out that the host used before and after photos of her that were taken 10 years apart. Erin went on to explain that she had recently gone through an extremely stressful time and lost 10 lbs. and was already feeling self conscious.

"How utterly misinformed, inaccurate, and clickbait seeking people who we follow and consider to be informed is appalling," she wrote in an extended message. "I am horrified by the reaction, the reductive assumptions, and the aforementioned video that is a prime example of such harassment. It's broken my heart. You've broken my heart. You never know what someone is going through, social media is a platform that is not representative of a whole person, and irregardless, there is no excuse for the words that have been spoken directly to me or about me."

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3. Alabama Barker

Travis Barker's daughter Alabama Barker may still be a teenager but she's already facing plastic surgery rumors. After posting a photo in a bikini on Instagram, a commenter wrote, "This child has done alot of cosmetic surgery @ a very young age, I hope she doesn't over do it! She looks good now!" In response, Alabama clapped back, saying the only thing she had gotten done were her lips.

"I really appreciate the love! I'm natural, besides my lips, accept the fact I'm naturally beautiful," Alabama responded.

4. Adriana Lima

Adriana Lima recently faced rumors that she had changed her appearance after stepping out for a movie premiere. When followers began commenting that it looked like she had gotten the "fox eye" procedure, Adriana responded by sharing a makeup free selfie and saying any changes were simply because she was exhausted from being a busy mom.

"The face of a tired mom of one teenage girl, two pre-teens, one active boy, a 1-year-old learning to walk, and three dogs...Thanks for your concern," Adriana wrote.

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5. Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid has long faced rumors that she completely changed her face early in her modeling career. While she did confirm that she got a nose job as a teenager, she said she very much regrets it -- and has had nothing else done since then.

"I wish I had kept the nose of my ancestors. I think I would have grown into it," she told Vogue. "People think I fully f--ked with my face because of one picture of me as a teenager looking puffy. I'm pretty sure you don't look the same now as you did at 13, right? I have never used filler. Let's just put an end to that. I have no issue with it, but it's not for me...Whoever thinks I've gotten my eyes lifted or whatever it's called -- it's face tape! The oldest trick in the book."

6. Jennifer Lawrence

In the past few years, Jennifer Lawrence has been accused of changing her face with plastic surgery. Speaking out about the rumors, she says it all has to do with her makeup and nothing to do with cosmetic procedures.

"I also think it's incredible what makeup can do because I work with Hung [Vanngo], who overlines the lip, and I call him a plastic surgeon, because everybody in the last few months since I've been working with him is convinced that I had eye surgery," she told Interview magazine. "I'm like, 'I didn't have eye surgery. I'm doing makeup.'"

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7. Zac Efron

Fans have noticed Zac Efron's recently changed appearance and many assumed it had to do with plastic surgery. Zac finally shut things down by explaining that he had shattered his jaw in an accident at home and after recovering, his face ended up looking different. Part of that change was due to the masseter muscles overcompensating while his jaw was injured.

"The masseters just grew. They just got really, really big," he told Men's Health. "If I valued what other people thought of me to the extent that they may think I do, I definitely wouldn't be able to do this work."

8. Renée Zellweger

Back in 2014, rumors swirled that Renée Zellweger had changed her appearance with plastic surgery. At the time, she shut down the rumors by saying that she was simply living a "different, happy, more fulfilling life" and was thrilled that it showed. But looking back, Renée admitted that the speculation was "humiliating" and the "hardest kick" to her ego -- and also came with "the implication that [she] somehow needed to change what was going on because it wasn't working."

"Nothing like international humiliation to set your perspective right! It clarifies what's important to you. And it shakes off any sort of clingy superficiality…that you didn't have time for anyway," Renée wrote in a piece for The Huffington Post.

She continued, "One of the fears that maybe, as artists, we all share -- because we have this public experience of being criticized not just for our work but as human beings -- is when it gets to be too much, when you learn that your skin is not quite as thick as you need it to be, what is that gonna feel like? Well, now I know. I got the hardest kick. And it ain't the end."

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9. Sofía Vergara

Sofía Vergara says she gets a lot of comments and messages about how her appearance has changed through the years but she says it's just aging. In fact, she actually thinks she looks "worse" than when she was younger, making plastic surgery impossible.

"Sometimes I read messages -- I avoid reading comments because, for what? It's usually people that are in a bad mood or depressed or jealous. I read it and it's like, 'She has done so much stuff to herself that she doesn't even look like her anymore.' And I'm thinking, 'It's not like you have plastic surgery to look worse than before, come on!'" she told Glamour. "I always want to say, 'No, it's called aging! It's called f--king I'm old! That's why I look different!'"

10. Gigi Hadid

Like her younger sister, Gigi Hadid has also faced plastic surgery rumors. But Gigi says she's never had any work done or anything injected into her face -- she simply learned to do her makeup better. Looking back on her early career, she says she did everything herself and now she has a team to help her look her best.

"When I look back on my first red carpets when I didn't have makeup artists or someone to call, I would obviously do my own makeup. Now, it's like, people pull up those pictures and are like, 'Oh, Gigi's nose looks different in these pictures than now.' Or, they'll talk about something with my face. Like, 'This has changed on Gigi.' It's really, like, that's the power of makeup. Like, I've never done anything to my face," Gigi said in a Vogue video. "But the way that I've learned to contour in certain places, put bronzer in some places, and leave out in other places -- it's something you have to learn."

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11. Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron has been accused of having plastic surgery but she says her changing face all has to do with aging. She says she hasn't had any cosmetic procedures, despite the rumors that swirl about her.

"My face is changing and I love that my face is changing and aging. People think I had a facelift. They're like, 'What did she do to her face?' I'm like, 'Bitch, I'm just aging! It doesn't mean I got bad plastic surgery. This is just what happens,'" she told Allure.

She continued, "I've always had issues with the fact that men kind of age like fine wines and women like cut flowers. I despise that concept and I want to fight against it, but I also think women want to age in a way that feels right to them. I think we need to be a little bit more empathetic to how we all go through our journey."

12. Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has shot down plastic surgery rumors on more than one occasion. Back in 2013, a plastic surgeon speculated about Jennifer's appearance, to which she responded, "Sorry Sir, but I have never had plastic surgery of any kind." Then in 2021, she clapped back at a social media commenter, telling them she had "never done Botox or any other injectables or surgery."

"If I had, I would say, 'Yeah, you're right,' but I don't want people going, 'Stop lying, you're doing this, you're doing that,' when that's just not true," she told People. "I just felt it had to be set straight, but in a loving way. And one of my big beauty secrets is that I try to be kind to others and lift up other women. I think that that is important for us to do for each other instead of trying to tear people down."

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13. Ariel Winter

Ariel Winter has faced plastic surgery rumors in the past and in 2019, she decided to finally put the rumors to rest. After a commenter wrote that Ariel had "so much plastic surgery," she responded and said that simply wasn't the case.

"I appreciate you wanting to help girls love themselves the way they are, but you are also kind of cutting someone (me) down. I also didn't get plastic surgery," she wrote. "That is also not being supportive of women if you're just assuming something about the way they look."

14. Kristin Cavallari

In 2019, Kristin Cavallari faced rumors that she had altered her face with procedures following a post from a cosmetic injector, comparing new and old photos of the star. The injector claimed that Kristin had lip, cheek and under-eye filler as well as Botox -- but she clapped back to say it simply wasn't true.

"I've actually never touched my face, but thanks for the compliment I guess," Kristin wrote in response. "Maybe get your facts straight before you start making claims like that. I'm proud to be injectable free."

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15. Ariana Grande

After Ariana Grande saw a magazine cover that accused her of having multiple plastic surgery procedures, she had to shut things down. In a video, Ariana explained that the outlet had been comparing her current image to a very old photo before she had even hit puberty.

"On the cover of some magazine they said, 'Oh, Ariana Grande: boob job, brow lift, cheek shaving, lips done.' I was like, 'You're comparing a picture of me from when I'm 14 years old to when I'm 21, and I'm wearing a push-up bra,'" Ariana said back in 2014.

16. Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling has been the subject of plastic surgery rumors her entire life. She says the only things she's gotten done are her boobs and her nose -- far less than what she's been accused of doing.

"The one thing for me that has stuck forever was the plastic surgery thing. I literally had my nose done and my boobs done, and that's it. I'm constantly reading that I've done more," she told People. "People have been talking about me having plastic surgery since I was 17. I remember my dad [Aaron Spelling] saying, 'Don't worry. It will go away next week.' But that one thing has stayed with me my entire career!"

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17. Katy Perry

Katy Perry has been accused of altering her body and face with plastic surgery but she says she hasn't gone under the knife for any procedures. Instead, she says she's used lasers and some fillers, but hasn't turned to plastic surgery.

"I've done lasers and got [filler] injections under my eyes for the hollowing -- which I'd recommend for everyone who wants a solution for their dark circles -- but all of my assets are real," Katy told Refinery29. "People tend to think they are fake, but it doesn't really matter. We're getting away from that negative stigma about physical alterations. Of course, always be your authentic self -- but if someone wants a nose job that makes them feel better, and they love their profile more because of it, it's like 'Go ahead!' Do whatever makes you feel better about yourself."
